EDP Foundation promotes access to 100% electric vehicles for 20 institutions, in a programme set to benefit 4700 people | Fundação EDP

EDP Foundation promotes access to 100% electric vehicles for 20 institutions, in a programme set to benefit 4700 people

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EDP Foundation will promote access to 100% electric vehicles for 20 Social Economy entities that, through the use of these vehicles, expect to benefit over 4700 people. These institutions will enjoy co-financing for renting, installation of charging wallboxes, support for electricity costs, and training on the efficient use of electric vehicles. Its implementation will be supported by Leaseplan, especially in the training component.

The winning proposals were selected from over 200 applications to the Solidarity Mobility Programme, an EDP Foundation initiative whose main goal is to promote the reduction of the carbon footprint in the third sector, supporting entities financially while also fostering knowledge about electric mobility and its relevance to a more sustainable planet. 

The social response and impact of each application were the main factors considered by the judging panel, with activities supported under the programme including the provision of home care and access to health care for the elderly, the development of social projects for children and young people at risk, the delivery of meals at school centres, and the provision of care for people with special needs.

The judging panel for the Solidarity Mobility Programme was made up of Martim Salgado (director of the EDP Social Impact Coordination Office and director of the EDP Foundation), Filipe Santos (Professor of Social Entrepreneurship, Dean of Católica-Lisbon and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the EDP Foundation), and Margarida Couto (partner responsible for the Social Economy and Human Rights area of Sociedade de Advogados Vieira de Almeida & Associados, CEO of the Vasco Vieira de Almeida Foundation, President of GRACE and a member of the Board of Trustees of the EDP Foundation).




APPC - Associação do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral
Associação 2000 de apoio ao desenvolvimento - A2000
Associação de Bem-Estar e Ocupação Tempos Livres de Pataias
Associação de Socorros Mútuos – Mutualista Covilhanense
Associação Humanitária Bombeiros Voluntários Entroncamento
Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários da Sertã
CAID – Cooperativa de Apoio à Integração do Deficiente
Centro Social da Paróquia de Santa Eulália de Nespereira
Fundação de Aurélio Amaro Diniz
Talentos de Campeão - Associação Desportiva (TC)



ADIL Associação para o desenvolvimento Integral de Lordelo
Associação De Socorros Mútuos Dos Artistas De Bragança
CECD - Centro de Educação para o Cidadão com Deficiência, C.R.L.
Centro Juvenil de Campanhã - Seminário dos Meninos Desamparados
Centro Social de Vila Cã (CSV)
Centro Social do Vale do Homem
Cercifel - Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL
Instituto São João de Deus
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de S. António de S. Pedro do Sul
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vila velha de Ródão



19 Dec 2022