New Artists Award 2000 | Fundação EDP >

New Artists Award 2000

Joana Vasconcelos


José Borges da Fonseca
João Fernandes
Alexandre Melo
Leonor Nazaré
João Pinharanda 

The exhibition for the 2000 EDP New Artists Award, curated by João Pinharanda, took place at the old carpentry building at the Electricity Museum, between 29 November 2001 and 13 January 2002.


The jury chose Joana Vasconcelos as winner of the first edition of the prize. 



Photo: Miguel Domingos

Joana Vasconcelos was born in Paris, in 1971. She lives and works in Lisbon. She studied at Ar.Co – Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual, in Lisbon. Public art interventions have been particularly prominent in her career. Since 1994, she exhibits regularly in Portugal and abroad, and the nature of her creative process rests upon appropriating, decontextualizing and subverting existing objects and everyday realities.

joana vasconcelos
joana vasconcelos