Art Grand Prize 2010 | Fundação EDP >

Art Grand Prize 2010

Jorge Molder

António Mexia
Jean-François Chougnet
António Franco
Eduardo Lourenço
Jorge Silva Melo

João Pinharanda
António Gomes Pinho

Jorge Molder was the winner of the 2010 edition of the EDP Art Grand Prize. “A unanimous choice based on Jorge Molder’s consistent and refreshing trajectory, and a perspective that is open to the future”, described António Mexia.

The artist was honoured with an anthological exhibition at the Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea – Museu do Chiado. Rei Capitão Soldado Ladrão (King Captain Soldier Thief) was inaugurated on 27 November 2013. Approximately 50 photographic images were presented (selected from one of his most significant series since the 1990s), as well as some fixed projections and a slideshow, altogether building a new narrative of images that allows us to rediscover his work, always opening it up to new lines of interpretation.

On 5 December, Jorge Molder inaugurated, at the Electricity Museum, the exhibition A Escala de Mohs (The Mohs Scale), exhibiting his most recent works, where the tragic dimension of the Being and its Double, which characterises all of his work, is revealed to its full extent.

Both exhibitions were curated by João Pinharanda.


Photo: Miguel Baltazar

Jorge Molder was born in Lisbon, in 1947, and he studied Philosophy at Lisbon University. A prominent name in contemporary Portuguese photography, with a vast body of work recognised internationally, since the late 1970s his work has mostly focussed on black and white images, a theatrical representation of spaces which are either empty or inhabited by characters within stage choreographies.

Spanning a career of over 30 years, Jorge Molder has held more than 50 solo exhibitions both in Portugal and abroad (Madrid, Paris, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, New York, among others), and he has taken part in over one hundred collective exhibitions. His work is currently represented in countless relevant collections, such as the ones in the Art Institute of Chicago, Gulbenkian Foundation’s Modern Art Centre, the Art Centre at the National Museum Reina Sofia, Maison Européene de la Photographie and Rio de Janeiro’s Modern Art Museum.



Photos: Miguel Baltazar