Fundação EDP
(Available in MAAT store)

An inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists, the night continues to feed and impregnate works of art with the questions it incites, be they philosophical, political, societal, environmental or scientific. A source of either hope or anguish, it also constitutes a space and time for the freedom and transgression that is so conducive to creating, and which is echoed by the collection gathered by Antoine de Galbert. A collector who is passionate about breaking down barriers, Antoine de Galbert enjoys creating dialogues between contemporary art, popular art forms and outsider art in his collection. The catalogue of the exhibition Traverser la nuit. Works from the Antoine de Galbert Collection (held at maat from 12 March to 29 August 2022), which is published by the EDP Foundation, combines texts by Noëlig Le Roux, the exhibition’s curator, with Pedro Falcão’s graphic design. It emerges as a faithful record of a proposal that encourages those dialogues around a universal theme – the night –, combining vast photographic documentation of all the selected works, many of which depicted just as they were presented in maat’s rooms, with a cohesive compilation of curatorial texts.