ELECTRA 1: a magazine of cultural, social, and political criticism and reflection | Fundação EDP >

ELECTRA 1: a magazine of cultural, social, and political criticism and reflection


The hallways resonate with words
José Manuel dos Santos and António Soares

The City. Metamorphoses of the Centre
Álvaro Domingues

In The First Person
Boris Groys
Interview with António Guerreiro

Pompidou 40
Yves Michaud and Catherine Lawless

Rainer Maria Rilke: Klage
Lourdes Castro

António Franco Alexandre: softly, silently
João Oliveira Duarte

View of Delft
Bologna: A Guide to Walking in the Shadow
Andrea Cavalletti

In These Great Times
António Guerreiro

The New Political Language: Postdemocracy and Biopolitics
Roberto Esposito

The end of a world is not the end of all
Déborah Danowski e Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Interview by Andrea Cavalletti 

Marx With The Stars: Notes for an escape plan from the current era
Frédéric Neyrat

De-Generation: Margins of gender
Pê Feijó

A Brief Lexicon of Our Times
António Guerreiro and 
João Oliveira Duarte

Each epoch dreams the one to follow
Maria Filomena Molder

Universal Basic Income 

Ten Arguments in Favour of UBI André Barata

The Case Against UBI George Zarkadakis

Chosen Works
The Moral Tale of Goods
Jorge Leandro Rosa

A Panoramic View of the Portuguese Cinema
Jacques Lemière

Aesthetics and Politics: On the Topicality of Wagner
Alberto Velho Nogueira

Dictionary of received ideas
Bernardo Ferro



ELECTRA is the new EDP Foundation magazine. It’s an edition published in Portuguese and English, dedicated to critique, research, essay and cultural, social and political reflection, embracing all areas of culture, and promoting dialogue and swinging of boundaries between humanistic and scientific knowledge, between artistic subjects, different theories and cultural practices.  

The magazine counts on the collaboration of Portuguese and foreign authors. The director is José Manuel dos Santos, board member and cultural director of the EDP Foundation, and the editor is António Guerreiro, a journalist, reviewer and essayist. It’s a quarterly edition. 

“ELECTRA appears as a response to a need, which is also an expectation, for the existence of a cultural magazine with ambition and projection. It’s a plural magazine in its ideas, contents and collaborators. Electra is a magazine of current matters, which questions the spirit of the times, the trends, the ideas, the images, and the mythologies that configure and move the times we live in. But it’s not an academic, or specialized, or technical magazine. And it does not chase whatever is happening, in fact, keeping some distance from journalistic immediateness. It’s best described as “placed between the thought of such happening and the happening of such thought”, explains José Manuel dos Santos.

Miguel Coutinho, administrator and general director of the EDP Foundation, adds: “This project consolidates and amplifies an ambition of the EDP Foundation to contribute to discussion of ideas and reflection. We do so through an international magazine that crosses thought with art in its contemporary relation with society”.

The magazine is available in several points of sale in the whole country, costing €9 Euros. It’s also available at the MAAT shop. 


In These Great Times

“Nesta Grande Época” (In These Great Times) is the topic of the first edition file, published in March 2018. This topic unfolds from the quote of a famous text of the Viennese writer of early XX century, Karl Kraus.

This "great times" gathers a number of texts that help think our present in political, social, ecological terms, etc. Contributors to this file are the Italian philosopher Roberto Esposito (on bio-politics and post-democracy), the French philosopher Frédéric Neyrat (on matters of political ecology, Marx and the Anthropocene), Pedro Feijó (on gender issues), and the Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro is interviewed.

The first edition, with around 180 pages, also includes a grand interview to the professor, art critique, media theoretician and philosopher Boris Groys, and a portfolio of the artist Lourdes Castro.

Amongst other contents, we also highlight the “Diagonal” section, which a propos the Rendimento Básico Incondicional, confronts André Barata, philosopher and professor at the University of Beira Interior, and George Zarkadakis, novelist, playwright and scientist. 



Our age has been accused of many things, but never of indulging in thought; nevertheless, at the slightest opportunity, many will prompltly, deftly, and with a certain haughtiness that gives us pause, articulate the word 'thought'. With Electra, we do not want to impose or press for such an accusation as thinking to excess, but we would like to play a part in making that claims less unlikely, less distant, and less impertinent.


                                                                     In the editorial of the 1st edition

Magazine public presentation


Photos: Ricardo Castelo.

19 Mar 2018