Energy Orchestra | Fundação EDP >

EDP Foundation Energy Orchestra

EDP Foundation Energy Orchestra is a social inclusion project through music, which targets children and young people between the ages of 6 and 16 from schools in the councils of Amarante, Murça and Mirandela.

Promoted by EDP Foundation since 2010, and taking artistic and educational direction from Casa da Música since 2015, this project promotes social integration of children and young people from vulnerable socioeconomic backgrounds, allowing them access to music education, encouraging academic achievement, preventing early school leaving and contributing to making their life projects viable.

Music teaching is a tool which promotes teamwork, discipline and responsibility, improving the students’ and their families’ self-esteem and bringing parents closer to the education process.

Between Amarante, Murça and Mirandela, over 100 students take part in the EDP Foundation Energy Orchestra every school year.

EDP Foundation Energy Orchestra concert at Casa da Música. 17 July of 2016. | Photos: Ricardo Castelo